The AIMS Medical Library provides the following services to support research

  1. Reference Management Software
  2. Training in Literature Search
  3. Citation Databases
  4. Antiplagiarism Software
  5. Personalized Research IDs

Reference Management Software

Zotero is an open source, easy to use software which helps the researcher collect, save, manage and cite bibliographic references such as books, journal articles from the internet. Since it can be integrated with word processing programs, it helps the researcher cite the sources easily in to the manuscript.
Training in Literature search
Provides training to search and save for relevant bibliographic references on research topics from Pubmed, Library site and other databases and how to save them in the reference manager library.

Citation Database

SCOPUS is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database.  All journals covered in the Scopus database, regardless of who they are published under, are peer reviewed each year to ensure high quality standards are maintained. It includes scientific journals, books and conference proceedings in  Life Sciences, Health sciences ,Physical sciences and Social sciences.

Antiplagiarism Software

Turnitin is an internet - based plagiarism detecting software. The originality checking service promotes critical thinking, ensures academic integrity and helps students improve writing skills. 

Personalized Research IDs

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an alphanumeric code that can be created by following 3 easy steps from the site

It provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

You can also create an ORCID from a SCOPUS author ID.

Scopus is linked to ORCID, allowing researchers to export their existing author information without the manual effort of adding it into the ORCID site itself. This is done by using their existing Scopus Author ID.

To learn how, please follow the steps at: